gabung yuk ke MP ku

Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

short history from august to recently now..


salam semua, tak terasa sudah hampir 7 bulan tidak menulis (tidak mengupdate blog)...banyak kesibukan..mmh..kalau diurut,

terakhir update blog bulan 8, masa-masa PPl akta, trus lupa dech ama blog ini..^_^
bulan september, ina sibuk apa ya????oya...kan bulan ramadhan ya..biasa,...housewife job..
bulan october, mmh...apa ya?ooo ingat, ada kerja Project Besar Maket, "maket New RSUZA hospital di Banda Aceh...alhamdulillah, kerja begadang ampe 1 bulan, (bersama b' Febri, Vera, Etty, My hubby, dan beberapa volunteer lainnya.

alhamdulillah nice product, mau tau?liat deh di RSU ZA masih dipajang tuh maketnya di lobby depan...(kata org2 si, bagus dan keren..alhamdulillah)...masih ada skill architecture nya..^_^
selama October - november, iyah, saya jadi chikgu ne, di MTsN Meuraxa Banda Aceh, mmmh, about 2 months, first time i taught english, been an part time teacher from P Subhan, then taught Indonesia Language, as part time teacher from BU DArma,.
while end of November, apply scholarship of Goverment, alhamdulillah tak sangka sangka, lulus beasiswa...
who knows rezeki Allah...
at least, now i'm in Malaysia, at Universiti Pendidikan SUltan Idris, Perak. programme master of Technical and Vocational Education. for two years..wish me ya...alnya mode C it's mean Mode Research...

bismillah... from best and best support from love Hubby, i trust to my self that i can finish this study, i could finish all assignment.,bismillahirrahmanirrahim...
this study is a gift for my Hubby, my parents, for my parents in law, my both Family, and for my country Aceh.

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